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This 10 Minutes Could Change Your Life

See What Others Have To Say

“Anyone thinking of taking the it. I've been in residential sales for roughly a decade. I've always been a top performer in any company I've worked for...but we all get into bad ruts/funks which cause us to question our presentations and our skills which turns us to watching youtube videos and reading books. Sellinginhome is now my go to training when I'm slacking. It took me 3 days to make 48k in sales. I more than doubled my money. 100% recomend.”

Jereme P

What You'll Get

Every company will have some type of sales presentation but the elements will be the same. You have to do a structured presentation that doesn't sound canned and turn the customer off. You have to rapport and get control of the customer. You need to do an effective needs analysis to create urgency. You have to sell them on doing business with your company without annoying them. You have to be able to build the value of your product so they won't balk at the price and think it's worth it. You have to sell the product and installation so they only want to hire you and close the order. Then you have to make sure the customer doesn't cancel. I will show you exactly what I say and teach you step by step the strategies that will maximize your results for each of these sections. The same things that made me well over a million dollars selling in the home.

  • Make more money faster by saving yourself the time and blood sweat and tears of what it took me 35 years in this business to learn. One extra sale will pay for this course. An extra sale a week can change your life. Don't worry I won't charge you $10,000 for this course. :)

  • The best ways I use to get rapport and control with even the most difficult customers

  • A secret battle tested framing script I use at the beginning of every sales call that lowers their sales guard, stops them from fighting you and makes them more receptive to hearing what you have to say. I have a different script for kitchens, windows, hvac, bathrooms, roofs, siding and flooring that you can download and practice for the specific product you sell.

  • How to create more desire for you product by asking the right questions. Learn to how to use a pre-planned survey to get the customers needs and build urgency for them to get the work done. I have different surveys for windows, kitchens, roofs, hvac, flooring, siding and bathrooms that you can download and print. Then I show you how to use them in the home.

  • Best ways and techniques to sell them on doing business with your company and keeping their interest while you do it. How to stop people from wanting to get more estimates

  • How to build value and condition people to the price so they stop saying it's too much money. How to create value even if they think it's going to be half of what you are before you get there.

  • Best ways to sell your product. Strategies on features and benefits. Using emotions to sell. Techniques on product selection. How to make them want it so much that money is not an issue.

  • How to sell how you install the product so they only want your company to do the work. Use the installation explanation to build even more value in your product.

  • A Comprehensive guide to closing including a discussion of the strategies used, how to deal with I need to think about it, 3 estimates, it's too much money, I have to talk to, I never make snap decisions and other common objections. Best ways to ask for the order.

  • How to avoid and lower your cancellation rate. Best ways to explain the notice of cancellation. How to tighten up the sale.

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Lesson 5 Prequalifying: Not

The easiest way to start making more money without working harder.

What's Included

  • Over 40 Lessons

    Detailed video lessons showing you exactly what to do each step of the way. Comprehensive closing section for learning the one call close.

  • Downloadable material

    Downloadable Surveys for specific products including windows, kitchens, bathrooms, roofing, siding, hvac and floors. A script of what use to lower customer guard, get them involved and stop them from fighting you going through your sales call. I have one for all the products listed above you can download.

  • No Risk -Double Your Money Back Guarantee

    If you don't get double your money back of what you invested in this course in the first 30 days or are not satisfied for any reason just contact us and you will get a full refund and the course will be canceled. Refund must be requested within 35 days of purchase.

  • See Below The Course Curriculum

    The chapters listed below will cover everything you need to make more money selling in the home. Click show more to see entire course.

Course Curriculum

Be Sure To Click "Show More" To See Everything

    1. Welcome And How To Use This Course

    1. 1 Getting Started: Best Things To Do Before You Get In The Home

    2. 2 How To Stay In Control Using A Structured Sales Presentation So It Doesn't Seem Canned

    3. 3 Best Place To Sit Your Mind and Body

    4. 4 Frame:The Secret To Get Them Involved and Stop Them From Fighting You. (Specific Downloads for windows, hvac, kitchens, bathooms, refacing, bathroom acrylic walls, siding, roofs and flooring

    5. 5 Prequalifying: How To Make More Money Without Working Harder

    1. 6 Why Rapport & Connection Is The Key Skill In Making More Money Consistently

    2. 7 Finding Commonalities Is Not Just About Hobbies

    3. 8 How To Build Better Rapport By Being Aware and Listening

    4. 9 How To Get The Customer To Talk and Be More Involved

    5. 10 Can You Have Too Much Rapport?....How Close Do You Need To Be ?

    6. 11 Don't Compromise Your Self Respect..How To Do This Without Kissing Their .......

    7. 12 How To Use The Truth To Rapport Difficult Customers

    8. 13 How To Know If You Have Enough Rapport and How Long Does It Take

    1. 14 Why Identifying The Problem Is Important To Making The Sale

    2. 15 The Survey Questions and How To Use Them To Create Desire and Urgency (Specific Downloads for windows, hvac, kitchens, bathooms, bathroom acrylic walls, siding, roofs and flooring

    3. 16 Tips on How Make Your Survey More Effective

    4. 17 Other Ways the Survey Helps You Make More Sales

    5. 18 How I Do The Physical Inspection and Walk-Around

    1. How and Why To Sell Your Company So They Don't Want To Get Estimates

    2. 20 How To Use Features and Benefits To Sell Your Company so they don't get annoyed and stay engaged.

    1. 21 Why People Are Confused About Price

    2. 22 Price Is A Perception That Can Be Changed

    3. 23 Three Perceptions of Price The Customer Has When You Get There

    4. 24 How To Shape or Change Perceptions of Price so They Think Your Price is Fair

    5. 25 Other Ways and Places To Build Value In Your Price

About this course

  • $497.00
  • 44 lessons
  • The best investment you can make is on yourself to increase your ability to make more money. You are not spending money if you are making more back.
  • Specific product downloads for hvac, windows, kitchens, bathrooms, flooring, roofs, siding. Proven questionnaires with the best questions to determine needs and create urgency. Tested frame script that will lower their guard, get them involved and keep them from fighting you from the start.
  • NO RISK Double Your Money Back Guarantee: Within 30 days if you don't make double back what you paid by using things you learned in this course or for any reason you are not satisfied contact us for a full refund. Everything to gain and nothing to loose. What are you waiting for?

See What Others Have To Say

“This is the best $497 I have ever spent! I have been selling for a total of 33 years. The last 7 years I have been selling home improvements in the home. I made double my money back in 2 days after starting this course.”

Amir N.

“I have been using these strategies and techniques for 15 years. By doing this I have sold over 25 million in home improvement sales and have made over 3 million in commissions. These strategies work and if you follow it you'll make as much money as you want. Master this system and create your own wealth.”

Mark A.

Free Lesson Preview

Lesson 22 Price Is A Perception

It doesn't matter how much they think it will cost before you get there. You control what they think it's worth.

You Are Already Doing The Work

In commission sales you work just as hard whether you get paid or not. Time to get paid what you are worth and live the life you deserve. Check out the 3 free course previews on this site to see the value of what you are getting. You have nothing to loose and everything to gain. Why Wait?

Free Lesson Preview

Lesson 35 Don't Let Reactions Become Objections

This is one of the 11 closing lessons. It is on how to deal with the initial reactions so they don't become objections.


  • How Do I know This Will Work?

    There's is no way you can tell if this works by looking at it from the outside. The only way to know is taking it and looking at it from the inside. The double your money back guarantee gives you no risk and only upside. The worst thing that can happen is you get some free training. The best thing is that your life changes when you can stop worrying about money and enjoy a balanced life because you are converting at such a high rate that you don't have to work all the time. Here's another question: What if it does work?

  • How do I know if this is worth it to me?

    If you sell in the home your average commision is probably at least $1000. You would only have to make one more sale that you wouldn't have made from taking this course to get double your money back. If you sell a lower ticket then maybe two sales. Lot's of times you need to hear just one thing that you can use that will get you that extra sale. If you learn and implement everything contained you will easily get at least 1 more sale a month if not 1 more a week. What is that worth? What are the sales you are missing costing you? More than the course I would bet. Plus with the double your money back guarantee what do you really have to loose?

  • What's different about this course from other sales courses I see everywhere?

    This is a very specific course geared directly to people who go to strangers homes and sell to them. A lot of times in the first visit. You don't see a 80 year old widow in the morning truck driver in the afternoon and bank president in the evening in any other type of sales. "I don't want a sales pitch" "Make it fast because I only have ten minutes" "I want to tell you right up front that I'm not buying anything today" . These are things you don't see in any other types of sales. You will be shown exactly how and what to say. This is not some generic "and you need to learn to build value " advice. This is specific real world training.

  • How much time will I need to take this course ?

    This course is designed to be used by taking one course a day in between your leads. Average time is only 5-10 minutes and you can do it on your phone. You always have down time between apppointments so it wont' require any extra time commitments aside from your job.

  • I already have sales training where I work. Why would I want and need this.

    Most sales training provided just gives you the basics and then you have to figure out the real deal as you run leads. This is a very costly way to learn. This course will give you real world advice that I have learned and tested over 3 decades by doing it myself and training other people how to do it. This course will save you the time and allow you to make money much faster.

  • Who Is This Course For

    If you go to someones house to sell something like home improvements this course is for you. If have been selling for 10 years you will pick up things and I think when you hear the previews you more than a newbie will be able to pick up on the higher level sublties. If you are newer I think you actually will be able to implement more because you won't be set in your ways and sometimes it's easier to train someone who has no bad habits then changing someone who may have them already. It is for someone who is comitted to and will do what's necessary to change what they are doing. Unless you don't want to but you wouldn't be reading this if you didn't.

  • Will just taking this course change my income and lifestyle?

    No. Just taking this course and doing nothing else will change nothing. You have to implement the ideas you will be shown. You will get extra sales by just changing one thing you say or do. The life changing goal of high six figures will come with a lot of practice and work. I can save you the time because the training and ideas you get in this course took be over 35 years to figure out and I can show you exactly how to do it but you have to practice and put in the time to implement it. Zen wisdom says that "To know and not to do is not to know"

  • Who is this course not for?

    If you don't love your job and enjoy meeting and going to customers homes not only is this course not for you but the job probably isn't as well. You can't put the time and effort to be good into something you don't like doing. You also have to believe in your product as in you would sell it to your mom. You should have run at least 10-15 leads. You need that much time to at least learn your product before you put your energy into the next step which is this course. Plus if you haven't run any leads at all this won't make as sense to you as if you are already in the field. If you are not comitted enough put the time in to learn and implement the ideas you will be shown then this is not for you as well.


Ronald Siou

Any Questions Please Contact Me At

My name is Ron Siou I have been involved in doing in home sales for over 35 years. The dues I’ve paid have put me in over 16,000 homes selling some type of home improvements including security systems, swimming pools, windows, doors, roofs, flooring, kitchens, Hvac systems, siding and bathrooms. The last 28 years I have been training people how do this by field rides which is going in the home with sales people, doing training classes for people we hire with years or little to no experience in this business and training sales managers to do the same. I have been involved in every level of this business to sales person, training the sales person, and training the people who train the sales person as a regional sales manager to a general manager and managing the numbers as well as the people. The strategies and methods I am teaching have helped me personally generate well over $500 million in home improvement sales for the companies I have worked for.